Sunday, March 7, 2010


If you have been following my incoherent but totally honest bull shit then you probably know what this post is all about.

It's not about God. It's about freedom. God is the opposite of freedom. So in keeping with the beautiful tradition of mathematics of disproving the reverse, thus proving the original argument, I have set out on a quest to prove that God doesn't exist. Freedom does.

God is the greatest lie ever told
and we are the greatest fools that ever were...

Let us think logically for a moment. The world is today what it always was: an epic failure. It's a gigantic ball of bullshit and we are still on it because it sucks. It sucks because societies are based on religion and religion is the biggest scam of all time. You don't believe me? Look at the facts:

It has been more than 2000 years since the start of the so called 1 A.D. In these 2000 years, in these 20 centuries, the most monumental events, in each and every century, one after the other and another, have been about wars and unimaginable bloodshed. In every single century without an exception. Religion has been responsible for more deaths than all the natural causes put together. and here comes the paradox where they have stumbled but amazingly no one took notice:

That God is omnipotent and all powerful and loves us and controls our lives.

This is the paradox which blasted my hitherto innocent opinions: If God controls the universe, then he cannot have the liberty to fail. Failure should result in him being thrown out of office. But that's the fact right. The world, as I said, is an epic failure. God cannot fail. But he didn't just fail, he never even came to give the test.

Quod Erat Demonstrandum : There is no God.

Because if he did exist it then this famous saying below would have to be edited and would read like :

To err is human but to persist in error is devilish and to orchestrate an orgy of massive failures, is Godly...


Alright, tell me one thing. You people are scientists, doctors, engineers. You understand the laws of physics, the reactions of chemistry and the equations of mathematics. Tell me this: Which proven law, in any of the subjects above, is in concurrence with the existence of God? Which law?   Nothing. Nil. Zilch.

There is another logical argument that can be made. Scientifically, an entity can, at max, create something only as complex as itself.

So if God created us in his own image, then we only need to look at ourselves to imagine what God would be like. If this line above did not give you goosebumps then I politely request you to leave this webpage and go on living your stupid dumb slave life...

Look at how pathetic and ignorant human beings are and then imagine that God is exactly like you.

Would you pray and leave the fate of your existence in the hands of this guy?

We don't even trust the best of men amongst us with miniscule things and yet we are willing to literally offer our soul, our freedom to someone who we have never even seen. The best adjective I can find to define human race, and believe me there are many that fit the bill,  is hypocrite.

But I have met many people who say that there is a catch in what I just said, that I just contradicted myself. When I said that an entity can only create, at max, something as complex as itself, they say that this proves that God is much more complex than us. We are only negligibly complex as compared to God. So this proves that God is there. Right?

My friend, if you are rejoicing by putting forth this argument then let me remind you that this statement made above only managed to put more oil in my fire. If God has been there, since the start of time, billions of years ago and he could only create something as complex as a human being, who are prey to diseases and have emotions that outweigh the logical assertions, well then that's not a good report card to bring home right?

Finally I arrive at the point I am trying to put forth.  God is not an omnipresent being. It is just an unexplained law of science. It is the 5th dimension. Nothing more. Nothing less.

You are being lied to day by day by day and you are naive enough to believe it all the time. They take away your freedom, your liberties and you gladly give them away in order to live. But listen to me you dumb asshole, is this how you want to live? 

You are alive because you are free. Without freedom you are not alive. But I guess that's not a big deal to you people anymore, who have been dead since the day you were born. Why don't you question the things around you? Why do you take things at face value? Why do you not observe and only see? The biggest reason why people are afraid to put questions is that they are afraid of ridicule. Afraid of being called a nutcase. Blasphemous. But this is exactly the thing I am trying to get into that thick skull of yours: Every person who is known as a genius today was called a maniac in his today.

Why? Because they had the guts to question things. If people had not questioned then it would have been the sun revolving around the earth and not the other way round. Giordano Bruno was the man who first conceptualized this argument. He was burned at the stake, convicted for heresy. Galileo challenged the view that the universe was geocentric, that the universe revolved around the earth. He was asked to give up his beliefs and when he refused, spent the rest of his life under house arrest. The most ironical tale of them all, Copernicus, despite urgings from many quarters, delayed publication of his masterpiece, De revolutionibus orbium coelestium from fear, a fear delicately expressed by the subsequent dedication of his life's labor to, hold your breath, Pope Paul the third.

They were not crack heads, they were pioneers.  And almost all of them met their end at the hands of religion. The witch hunts, the inquizition, the crusades, the war on terror . This is not just the Christian religion I am talking about. I am a Hindu, and the same is true for my religion. Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Hindus have all murdered in the name of God. The biggest mass murderer is not Hitler. It is God.

Today is a colossal day in your life. I will give you an alternate theory of your existence. We only know 2% of our universe. The rest, 98%, is Dark energy. Anti-matter.

This energy is governed by a set of laws which we are yet to understand. This energy affects all of the universe including the earth. The effects of this energy are termed as the effects of God. Look at the swindle we have believed all this time. You don't believe me? Well then imagine a 2-D world which doesn't have the concept of height and imagine that a 3-D object is introduced, you are introduced in the environment, what will be the reaction of the people of that world?

They will treat you like God because they just cannot comprehend what is happening. Just like we treat the 5th dimension as God, if we consider time as the fourth.

OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE TRUTH. Realize that you are powerful beings, beautiful creatures who have immense power and not the poor, scared folks that you are forced to be. Nature invented life, you improved upon it. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that a human being cannot accomplish. You do not need to be told what to do, what to eat, what to say and what to believe in. You can think, can create everything out of nothing. It is you who has the power to change the world.


So the next time someone tells you the how, you ask them the why...


Anonymous said...

all right -

i know this god stuff is pretty much confusing thing ,people confuse a lot with definitions and myths."for myths mine are totally diff view"
there are different definitions to god and thus its different meanings

the word god and religion has been used to tie up the human intellect and bind it by spoilers of society ,at same time concept god has been used by some intellects to unite people and raise there level of living ,there intellect ,pride and to make them realize there is a bench mark of being a human and you can only fall from it or you can stay at that bench mark and be a human , thus defining a way of life .

god is omnipotent -loves us -controls us-"RESIDES IN US"thus i believe in this

GOD did not created us in his form , no one can know GOD's form,GOD should be form less.because its the god and if GOD has a from then probably its not GOD ,(what ancient texts talk about is probably about those hi tech aliens who might have come and changed genes of homo erectus to homo sapiens , and thus completely eliminating the link in between known as " missing link ".

life is every where , this world is alive , every thing is in a change , evolving , evolution my friend is constant and continuous , change is persistent , persistence is god , timeless,birthless,

yes we are lied day to day , people bend thinkings by misleading , we need clear definitions , its matter of one word that can make us to save a dieing person or kill a healthy person "RELIGION".

Questions are asked,were asked , people took the stand,fought wars for those stands and against those stands, still not satisfied with the battle of wits , found new ideas , proved them right,some claimed them wrong ,but its evolution ,its freedom that lead people to invent god if it didnt existed, "Concepts in ancient texts that point towards aliens that had advanced technology " thats funny but this view and facts changes whole concept of word god...

anti matter , dark matter , vast universe ,5th dimension ,set of rules and laws that govern universe . are godly INDEED ,ABSOLUTELY TRUE ,but a definition ,how so ever true but a definition!

we can not understand god ,because its god , if we understood it ,whats left to be the god .god the one entity which is entity less not those mythological ones

we are human ,we try to understand every thing , but things at infinity are serious matters, god lies at infinty and beyond
we are humans we can only fall from the bench mark or be at the bench mark ,thus be true human .

ps... To err is human but to persist in error is devilish and to orchestrate an orgy of massive failures, is Godly...WAS IMPRESSIVE

StReEtKiNg said...

Thanks Laddi for taking time out to have a constructive argument with me on this.. :-)

You agree that the concept of God has been used for both good and bad. It maybe good in the way that it has helped people to survive tough times. But it's negativism far outweighs it's positive benefits. Look at the bloody mess around us. People killing and dying in the name of someone who they have never even seen? Isn't this madness?

If this is something that comes bundled with religion or God, then I think I don't need such a God.

You wrote "no one can know GOD's form"

Why is that?

If he is someone so benevolent and loving then why can he not show us his form? Why does he work in these "mysterious ways"? Why is he letting people kill each other over his form and name? Why doesn't he solve this argument once and for all by showing his true form and stopping the bloddshed once and for all? If he has to be so secretive about what he does then he shouldn't mind people pointing a finger at his existence. I find it funny that usually people talk about God and how he helped them survive. Why don't they realize that it was they themselves who worked it out. Why pass on the credit to someone else?

All this God business is propaganda. They have been lying to us for centuries and will keep doing so to keep their power over the people. God according to me is a myth, that is used to control those who believe in him, by those who know the real truth. I can only voice an opinion on this since it's upto the masses to realize what is truth or fiction. But someday, someday, people might just understand that they have the power to control their lives. No one else has a right to that.

P.S- Hope I wasn't patronising or arrogant. Sorry if I was. And ya thanks! :-) cheers.

Anonymous said...

le le koi chakkar hi ni bishi yaar , its just that there are views about god .and i feel any thing that is being or could be used to create a mess can not be god , if two people are fighting over religious views or stupid issues that we all know then they are not fighting in the name of god but materialistic and personal agendas .
however i agree that WORD god is more used in creating mess,,,but ACTUAL entity cant be used , evolution has its own ways of dealing with universe and what ever is beyond it , its our search for truth and answers that matters , and what ever lies at the end of this search ,can be called as god and only god ..
tension ni leni apaa

Anonymous said...

and p.s eh debating is not my job i am more into poetry , so i cant convince you any how ,lol , meri ta pehla hi haar ,,,

either we have to sit at some place with some bottles , my arguments gets stronger with daru content

StReEtKiNg said...

haha..same here...daaru hi taan asal ch boldi hai.. :-).. but anyways..was not arguing...just trying toexpress myself...

P.S- waiting for your new poems mate..